Thursday 23 June 2011

The Ultimatum

So here’s the deal, as you may have gathered I’ve been a tad busy in the mad house the past 2 or 3…or 4? weeks. This new CrapBags role is all well and good but they seem to have neglected to address the fact I am also still doing my other job at the same time. This has in turn resulted in a large rise in work load, stress levels and the hours I am working.

Never thought you’d see the day did you? Nancy actually busy and earning her crust, busting her nutsack (if I had one) for the great corporation. No more dull days, hours spent on Facebook or finding ways to fill the hours as I ridicule my fellow work colleagues. That’s right, I’ve sold out! Fallen in with the rest of the rat race.

Ah don’t worry I haven’t totally sold out, I still check Facebook regularly, send personal emails, take the odd extended lunch break on a Friday and milk the work socials free bar for all I can. There will always be a touch of Clueless about the office, I’m not giving in completely.

Anyway, the point of this long winded yarn is that unfortunately one thing that has fallen foul is my dear blog, there just simply isn’t enough minutes in the day for me to set aside some time and tell you about the craziness that’s been occurring. And to be honest, now I’m so busy a lot of what I would blog about might end up being rants about work and eventually that gets boring (if it hasn’t done so already) and I would hate to become that of all things.

So I propose the following….

As I am still under the belief that it is only my mother and a small handful of people who are tuning into read I don’t think that there are many of you out there who have been pining away for the next Nancy instalment. I.e. You can go on living your day to day lives without me and are probably reading this now thinking “oh yeah…I think I remember she works with Hobbits right?” So if this blog shut up shop forever it would be a sad end to a fun journey but none the less the world would keep on turning. But if there are some die-hard fans out there who would like me to carry on blogging when I can (I was thinking once or twice a month – I’ll prioritise I promise!) then I shall do that.

So cast your vote. If you want to keep reading instalments about the freaks and me then please let me know by making a comment. If you don’t then I’ll assume its because you’ve given up reading a while back or have left me for another blogger. You blaggard you.

You have one week, then the final decision will be made. The fate of Resemblance to Real Persons rests in your hands.